Target a track or a measure

You may need to target a track or a measure to generate a new complete song.

PhpTabs provides 2 methods to extract a single track or a single measure and obtain a new PhpTabs instance.


The method onlyTrack returns a new PhpTabs only with the targeted track. It accepts a track index as parameter.

use PhpTabs\IOFactory;

$filename = 'my-file.gp5';

// Read and parse file
$song = IOFactory::fromFile($filename);

// Get the new song with only the third track
$new = $song->onlyTrack(2);

// Saving to Guitar Pro 5 file

If you only want to work with a particular track without generating a new song, you may need to have a look to PhpTabs->getTrack() method.


The method onlyMeasure returns a new PhpTabs only with the targeted measure for each track. It accepts a measure index as parameter.

use PhpTabs\IOFactory;

$filename = 'my-file.gp5';

// Read and parse file
$song = IOFactory::fromFile($filename);

// Get the new song with only the third measure for each track
$new = $song->onlyMeasure(2);

If you only want to work with a particular measure without generating a new song, you may need to have a look to PhpTabs->getTrack(0)->getMeasure(0) method.

Chaining onlyTrack and onlyMeasure

You may want to display only one measure for a particular track. In the example below, we’ll render the first measure of the first track as an ASCII tab.

use PhpTabs\IOFactory;

$filename = 'my-file.gp5';

// Read and parse file
$song = IOFactory::fromFile($filename);

// Display track#0 measure#0 as ASCII
echo $song->onlyTrack(0)->onlyMeasure(0)->toAscii();

Of course, you may do the same thing in one line (Parse file, target a track, target a measure and render).

echo PhpTabs\IOFactory::fromFile('my-file.gp5')