
PhpTabs provides some methods to access metadata, attributes and nodes.

Read song informations

You may read metadata with the following methods. They all return string or null.

use PhpTabs\PhpTabs;

$song = new PhpTabs('my-song.gp5');

// Display all metas
echo sprintf("
Title: %s
Album: %s
Artist: %s
Author: %s
Writer: %s
Date: %s
Copyright: %s
Transcriber: %s
Comments: %s",


It will ouput something like:

Title: Song title
Album: My album
Artist: Me and my band
Author: Me and my band too
Writer: A writer
Date: A long time ago
Copyright: So cheap
Comments: Some multiline comments

Write song informations

For each getter method, a setter one is available.

$song->setName('New song title');
$song->setAlbum('Song album');
$song->setArtist('Song artist');
$song->setAuthor('Song author');
$song->setWriter('Song writer');
$song->setDate('Song date');
$song->setCopyright('Song copyright');
$song->setTranscriber('Song transcriber');
$song->setComments('Song comments');


You may handle channels.

// Number of channels
$count = $song->countChannels();

// Get an array of channels
$channels = $song->getChannels();

// Get a single channel by its index
// starting from 0 to n-1
$channel = $song->getChannel(0);

// Get a single channel by its id (integer)
$channel = $song->getChannelById(1);

// Remove a channel

// Add a channel

Measure headers

You may handle measure headers.

// Number of measure headers
$count = $song->countMeasureHeaders();

// Get an array of measure headers
$measureHeaders = $song->getMeasureHeaders();

// Get a single measure header by its index
// starting from 0 to n-1
$measureHeader = $song->getMeasureHeader(0);

// Remove a measure header

// Add a measure header


You may handle tracks.

// Number of tracks
$count = $song->countTracks();

// Get an array of tracks
$tracks = $song->getTracks();

// Get a single track by its index
// starting from 0 to n-1
$track = $song->getTrack(0);

// Remove a track

// Add a track